A place to scribble down my feelings.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This is a long drawn topic, everyone talks about it daily, but still the question is usually considered as a "very corporate" question:-(. I think very few people think communication is the key to all relationships. How we communicate, or how often we communicate with our friends and spouse is very important to assess the health of a relationship.
Okay, so here it goes.
*I send a mail to a couple who are our family friends. I get a reply from the wife in a separate mail. The husband sends me another mail after two days, saying that he will ask the wife to reply...

* One of my relatives is very outspoken:-) so she would go around and tell people everything happening within the family. Since we do not know her version, it creates quite a chaos in various pockets because no one knows what the other person is talking.

* One of my friends tells me that she encourages people to get over their discomforts and be more adaptable to the new surroundings. The same person cannot dare move out of her comfort zone which is very unconvincing to me:-)

If I try to remember everything confusing that happens because of a simple reason, lack of communication, careless talking, hollow talking ...etc etc.

Communication, in the personal zone, is not just putting your thoughts out there in a diplomatic way, or getting your work done using "great" interpersonal skills. In personal life, the word "communication" includes a lot more than that because it is not the corporate set up we are talking about, we are talking about emotions, integrity, honesty, and spontaneity.

George Bernard Shaw said, "The problem with communication is the illusion that is has occurred. "

I will keep adding to this post.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

keeping our thoughts positive

How difficult could this be? Trust me, it IS difficult when your sixth sense keeps alarming you about the real situation:-) But hey, there is still hope.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


yeah, so I was wondering why do we get less interested in chasing our dreams as we grow mature?
Why do some people live their dreams, and others do not? Some blame it on destiny, some blame it on lack of guidance etc. etc. I do not deny the destiny factor, and I also do not deny the BIG impact of proper guidance at a very young age.

The question here is not the impact of outside world and circumstances but the inner strength of us, the human species, to fight the negative impact of our surroundings and hold on to our mental power. The power that is generated by the same vitality that I discussed in my previous post. Sources of negative energy work day and night, tirelessly, with a single goal in mind, and that single goal is nothing but to tire us down mentally. Drain us of our emotional well-being, and make us like the dead bones I discussed in the previous post.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The inner growth versus the outer challenges

I have been reading this book " The Me I want to Be". It is based on the Bible's teachings, but the crazy person as I am , I enjoy reading books about other faiths (mine is Hinduism), and it becomes more and more clear to me that all of them lead you to the same path of peace and happiness. They all talk about the same goals, "A heart that is open to ideas and filled with positive energy", " a person who could enlighten everyone associated to him/her."

A chapter in the book states that we stop the flow of vitality from within us because we get trapped in the gap of guilt. Why is it that we start our lives full of dreams, and as adults we look like dead bones with no dreams.We start focusing on the impossibles, or tend to focus on the "glass half empty" so much that we cruelly kill that "vital us", and join the army of half-dead people who just breathe, but are no good to the society ?

I shall elaborate on the same in my next post.